Tuesday, April 29, 2008

To love Thee with all of my heart...

Set my heart, O dear Father, On Thee, and Thee only,
Give me a thirst for Thy presence divine.
Lord, keep my focus on loving Thee wholly,
Purge me from earth; Turn my heart after Thine.

A passion for Thee; O Lord,
Set a fire in my soul and a thirst for my God.
Hear Thou my prayer, Lord Thy power impart.
Not just to serve, but to love Thee with all of my heart.

Father fill with Thy Spirit, and fit me for service,
Let love for Christ ev'ry motive inspire,
Teach me to follow in selfless submission,
Be Thou my joy and my soul's one desire.

—Joe Zichterman


  1. Thank you for sharing that beautiful poem/song, Marissa! It was a blessing to me.


  2. Wow so nice and encouraging Poem..
    I am sure, that poem describe the desire of us, who love God and surrender to HIM..

    Let Jesus live in us..
    We just follow and Obey..

    My name is Yudhi..
    Glad to find your blog..
